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About Us

Why was Optimum FM created and what makes us different from other Facilities Management companies?

The reason Bill Oatham formed the company was to do exactly what the Mission, Vision, Values & Quality statement says. Bill had too often known organisations that would make bold promises and never deliver on those promises (for mainly commercial reasons) resulting in adversarial relationships between the client, customers, delivery team and the supply chain, in a contract that was then difficult to change.

Optimum FM will ensure that what is promised is delivered while focusing on the value and benefits of excellent relationships within realistic and transparent commercial arrangements. And to do all of this in a culture where there is no hidden agenda and people are not having to constantly read between the lines.

“Partnership” can be a very abused or misinterpreted word when applied to stakeholder relationships. In any FM contract relationships, behaviours and beliefs across different organisations and countries will have to be managed successfully. In addition to this there will be expectations, cultures and individual styles to be brought together for a common purpose.

Exactly the right solution for your organisation needs to be designed and delivered in such a way that it achieves buy-in and commitment from everyone to achieve that common purpose. All of this resulting in Value for Money and Customer & Employee Satisfaction; then there is the Continuous Improvement to be achieved that requires long term commitment with trusted partners for the journey ahead.

At Optimum FM we engage with people to make Property & Facilities Management solutions work for you and your organisation across a diverse spectrum. We work within challenging environments and have a successful track record in delivering the solutions that help you achieve your objectives - Your objectives are our objectives!